NABMA Newsletter – 6th March 2018

NABMA Newsletter – 6th March 2018


We continue to monitor updates on this important issue. NMTF are now joining us in seeking clarity on whether VAT is chargeable. One suggestion is that to avoid liability charges are applied in two segments. One charge is made for the use of the land without VAT and a second charge is made for services, which might vary from one trader to another, and VAT is added to the second charge. Does any member operate in this way? NABMA would welcome information. Also we would be pleased to hear from any member that has had a visit from HMRC VAT inspectors.


The first Forum meeting for almost fifteen months was held earlier this week and it was encouraging to hear that Jake Berry, Minister for High Streets and Markets, is committed to maintaining the government’s links with markets. In addition to providing updates on various NABMA projects there was an opportunity to get government help to clarify the position on VAT. Hopefully the Minister can help in promoting discussion on this issue with HMRC. We also learned that the Future High Street Forum is returning, NABMA has a seat on the Forum, and next month it is likely that an announcement will be made to launch the Great British High Street Awards 2018. We hope to promote some synergy between these awards and the Great British Market Awards.


Sadly, because of the severe weather conditions, we had to cancel our Regional Meeting at Cambridge planned for the 1st March. Watch out for a revised date which we hope to publish shortly.  The severe weather has had a major impact on markets and we have received pictures of markets struggling to operate in some of the most challenging weather conditions for many years. We can only pay tribute to the staff and traders that have kept going over the last week.

Meanwhile booking is open for the regional meetings in Pontypool (12 April), Halifax (26 April) and Warrington (10 May). Place are free but limited so you are advised to book now.


We welcome news stories, job vacancies and tender opportunities from our members for publication. If your market has some news to share, please email

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