NABMA was thrilled to see so many delegates, sponsors and speakers supporting us at our recent Annual Conference, which took place at Stratford-upon-Avon on Monday 11th & Tuesday 12th October 2021.
Key to the event, were the presentation of Market Awards to the following people. NABMA would like to congratulate all the award winners for their contribution to markets. For those of you that weren’t able to attend, here we recap the whole ceremony.
Market Manager (Large Market)
This award is made to a manager who led his team through covid and the transition from a temporary to a permanent new market in the most difficult and testing circumstances. The market activity was the centrepiece of town centre economic recovery, attracting footfall that encouraged other retail and leisure operators to then open.

The profile of the market was reinforced by remaining open throughout covid lockdowns – the only retail & leisure operation that did in this town centre raising the profile of the market, and demonstrating what markets can do to sustain town centres in unprecedented times. The politicians, media and community of this town noticed and celebrated this, and how markets can actually be the economic centre and focus of our towns, leading high street recovery.
The nomination stresses the individual deserves this award as his committed and selfless actions in 2020 led directly to raise the profile and ensure the success of the new Market. In addition, his actions and leadership have directly benefitted not only the market and its traders but importantly the economic recovery of a town centre and its many associated businesses.
The Award for Market Manager of the Year for Large Markets is to Andy Ward of Warrington Market
Market Manager (Small Market)
This award recognises the role an individual has played after his employer raised concerns and complained about the way the town’s market was run by the Unitary Council. As a result, the market service was transferred to the local council and it now continues to deliver its vision to enhance the quality of the market experience for its community, visitors and traders.

This Council has been on an exciting journey and the Market Manager has led from the front when it comes to delivering a vibrant market under a devolved arrangement.
The nomination applauds how the market is diverse and welcoming and requires strong diplomacy skills to work with traders. It recognises a market professional, with a deep understanding of what makes a Market work, hard wired into his DNA. This manager is passionate about markets and this passion is infectious. Locally it is appreciated that this Manager has taken ownership of the market and is helping to buck the trend by delivering both a growing and thriving market that is delivered locally for its community and visitors.
The Award for Market Manager of the Year for Small Markets is to Mark Hill of Devizes Town Council
Market Manager (Wholesale Markets)
Throughout the past 12 months, this manager steered his Wholesale market through the recovery of the pandemic, strengthening the business and supporting all fresh produce traders, while retaining the whole market in full operation.

With ongoing challenges of onsite construction work, to repair the damage of a huge fire, this manager demonstrated his skills in dual-leadership of managing the daily business of the wholesale market as well as the construction work of new units.
Furthermore, he supported the staff immensely through Covid, with motivational check in emails and Teams meetings that included humour and sending YouTube video links of home office desk work outs for physical and mental health.
This Manager has successfully implemented that 95% of waste is now recycled and has acted as a consultant to plan a City food system that is both sustainable and accessible.
The nomination stressed how the individual built trust with his team, supported their mental and physical health, listened to and aided members of the team by coming up with creative and flexible solutions that put people first thereby showing a unique and progressive managing approach that inspired both his team and traders.
The Award for Market Manager of the Year for Wholesale Markets goes to Tom McIntyre of Glasgow
Market Team – Large Market
As with all operators, this Markets Team have endured a very difficult 18 months both in terms of their personal and professional lives. In addition to the constant commitment to ensure markets are organised and professionally delivered to support both shoppers and businesses, the Team have supported their traders helping with grant applications and business support.

During Lockdown 1 they quickly put in place an order and delivery system delivering goods to customers late into the evening. They also introduced a stand-alone markets website and App.
Coming out of lock down to create vibrancy they have set up an Artisan Market consisting of up to 100 traders with a huge supportive town centre response. With budget constraints they have developed an in-house bookings and collections system
The nomination applauds the manner in which this the team have dealt with all the issues that Covid has thrown at them, stressing that they have acted responsibly by promoting good awareness around the ongoing COVID situation, providing innovation and always going above and beyond to make sure their businesses and shoppers have remained supported.
The Award for Market Team of the Year for large markets is awarded to Tameside Markets Team
Market Team – Small
This award is made to a small local council markets team working alongside an experienced and respected market manager. It has the support of its wider council team and elected members and works closely with its Tourist Information Centre. It works hard to generate social media promotion of the market by sharing traders’ posts and regularly creating new posts.

The nomination applauds the vison, energy and caring attitude of the Team members confirming that during the pandemic, this Team has remained hard-working, reliable, calm, sensible and dependable in the most difficult of circumstances, maintaining the continuity of the market as much as was possible in creative and safe ways. The market goes from strength to strength – footfall continues to grow and it has a busy, – but safe – atmosphere. This is no small part due to the efforts of the entire market team.
The Award for Market Team of the Year for smaller markets is awarded to Saffron Walden Town Council
Market Team – Wholesale Market
This award recognises a food marketessential to the supply chain. During Covid its local community knew that a reliable, economical food source was on its doorstep. Dozens of market tenants saw their normal business collapse and had to adapt their customer base overnight and it was the task of the market team to respond. Trade buying stopped to be replaced with managing huge queues of local residents desperate to ensure that they and their families had access to fresh food

The market stayed open each trading day constantly adapting to changing Government advice. The Market team structured their roles to ensure that there was an obvious presence during market hours to reassure tenants and their customers as well as a poster campaign to explain to visitors the suite of actions taken to mitigate risk of transmission. The market has even been used as a Covid testing site.
Sadly, the Team witnessed the death of its longest serving member of staff at the peak of the first lockdown. He had been employed for 38 years and all the staff, and the vast majority of tenants, had never known what this market was like without him.
The nomination applauds the staff at this market describing them as a credit to the industry in keeping the show on the road for their merchants and their customers.
The Award for Wholesale Market Team of the Year is made to Billingsgate Market
NABMA Outstanding Achievement Award
We received so many manager and team nominations but one nomination really stood out and it was determined to make an Outstanding Achievement Award in this most difficult of years.

This market team and its management are described as performing their daily market roles at an exemplary level, with an extraordinary commitment to the market family as well as to the public. They provide exceptional support and service to traders and their staff and provide key information, recommendations, assistance, or direction. The team epitomizes leadership and continue to inspire the traders to spring back and face headlong the challenges that continue to remain following the numerous lockdowns and restrictions over recent months. Additionally, the team delivered its 16th annual Food & Drink Festival that showcased dozens of craft, food & drink stalls throughout the town centre
The nomination describes this Market Management and Market Team as helpful, caring, resourceful, and happy to offer service no matter the task. They often perform above and beyond, embracing change and recently the entire team undertook external learning to gain SIA accreditation to provide a professional security service to assist traders following the national reduction in operational police and enforcement teams. Even though this was not required of them, they did so willingly and with enthusiasm. The value of this market is widely recognised by politicians, civic leaders and local businesses.
This special outstanding achievement award is made to Bolton Markets
NABMA has a tradition of recognising service to the markets industry and to NABMA. Tonight, we are proud to make three awards.
John Walker
The first award is John Walker, Markets Manager at Calderdale, who has been a leading voice for markets both locally and nationally throughout his career. Within NABMA he has fulfilled many roles. John was given numerous voluntary hours to helping and supporting many colleagues over the years. John was also President of the Institute of Market Officers in 2002/3.

John is responsible for the Calderdale Markets portfolio which operates 28 market days each week, providing over 650 stall letting opportunities.
Of special mention is that John has spent his entire career with his hometown Authority and is proud to be only the third Market Manager since the formation of Calderdale Council; he is always keen to highlight his pleasure of working from two of Halifax’s most prestigious buildings in the Piece Hall and the splendid Victorian Halifax Borough Market. NABMA warmly congratulates John on this amazing career landmark. Working for 40 years with one employer, and in an often-stressful sector, demonstrates wonderful commitment and passion for his role.
Daryl Chambers
Darly Chambers has been a long-standing supporter of markets and NABMA. With retirement looming NABMA would like to recognise the service that Daryl has made to markets and our industry both locally and nationally.
Daryl is the Town Surveyor at Bridport Town Council and with NABMA has been a founder member of both our Buddy Scheme and the NABMA Board of Directors. Daryl has also been part of the Health Check Team providing help, support and guidance to many NABMA members, particularly parish, town and community councils.
NABMA has a tremendous ambassador in Daryl as he is passionate about our work, role and influence and freely recommends the benefits of membership at every opportunity that is presented. NABMA is grateful to Daryl for his active participation within NABMA that now extends towards two decades and it is right that this service is recognised in the company of his many friends and colleagues.
Nick Kasic
Nick Kasic is a long standing NABMA member playing a key role in taking NABMA into London and promoting our work, services and member benefits. Nick has been an important and influential voice helping and supporting his London colleagues through the Association of London Markets and the London Street Trading Benchmarking Group that are both facilitated by NABMA.

Nick is retiring as the Chairman of the Association of London Markets and his leadership and enthusiasm will be missed. As Market Manager for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea he makes a huge contribution on Basecamp providing helpful information and advice.
Nick is also retiring as a founder Director of the NABMA Board of Directors where he has been a respected and valued voice. Thankfully Nick remains part of the NABMA family but tonight it is right and proper to recognize his huge contribution to both NABMA and London Markets.
Krys Zasada Award 2021
This is the highest award that NABMA makes each year and is in the gift of the Presidency. We are grateful to Manchester City Council for their ongoing support and endorsement of this award.
Krys Zasada sadly died at the young age of just 59 back in 2014. At the time he was the NABMA Policy and Development Officer. He had been a long time Director of Markets at Manchester and then a consultant working extensively with wholesale markets.
Without doubt Krys Zasada was a visionary and one of the best ambassadors that our industry has ever had. I had the pleasure of knowing and working with Krys and appreciating his many work and people skills. He had a passion for markets, he was a man of vision and demonstrated the highest of professional standards with a gentle humour and great integrity. His death had a huge impact on so many market people but his legacy lives on.
Krys was the author in 2009 of Markets 21 – the policy and research review of retail and wholesale markets in the UK that helped influence future government policy.
Since 2014 this important award has been presented to politicians, civil servants and long serving market managers.
Tonight, the award in his memory is given to a person who worked closely with Krys Zasada and who shares the same values, professional standards, respect and integrity.
Throughout the last 20 months this person has made himself freely available to support NABMA members and myself on a daily basis with legal and practical advice as we have tried to interpret the plethora of government guidance, regulations and consultation so that same day advice has been available to NABMA members. In addition, our recipient has provided legal advice to government and carried out a programme of training, and then numerous one to one support sessions for NABMA members on issues around market law, policy and management.
This award is not just for service over recent months but in recognition of a man who has given his professional career to work with, and for markets and market people. As Krys Zasada was an ambassador for markets then so is Graham Wilson. Without doubt, no individual has made a lasting impact on any national organisation, or the industry in which he works, as Graham has made on NABMA and retail and wholesale markets in the UK and beyond.
This award is a unanimous decision of the Presidency and myself as Chief Executive. I know that looking down on us tonight, Krys Zasada will also wholeheartedly be applauding this NABMA recognition of the work, service and dedication of his long-time friend and colleague.
The recipient of the Krys Zasada Award 2021 is Graham Wilson OBE