Bradford Markets Redevelopment

Bradford Council has taken an option to purchase the former Marks & Spencer building on Darley Street as part of a major £15 million development scheme to regenerate the top end of Bradford, revitalise the city centre markets and support local trade. It is intended to see a new food-focused market in the former Marks and Spencer building. This is great news for Bradford. Anyone wanting further information should contact Colin Wolstenholme on

#LYLM2017 Video Competition

Do you know any young people (aged 16-25) who may be interested in taking part in our Love Your Local Market video competition. Could you help us spread the word by putting up a poster in your market, talking to local schools/colleges/universities or promoting it via social media?

The purpose of the competition is to connect with young people & to get them to highlight what markets mean to them in terms of the competition themes of: Culture, Heritage, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Makers, Creators and Collectives.

We will capture all the videos on our LYLM Youtube channel & the winning video will receive a prize of £500. Entries need to be received between 17th May & 17th June 2017. For more details about the competition see: 

Have you put your market out to tender?

There seems to be an increasing number of markets being put out to tender. NABMA is interested to know from any members who have tendered out their market. What success have you had? Are you happy with the results? We are wanting to build up a picture of what works and what lessons can be learnt. Please get in touch via if you are happy to share your experiences.

Regional Meetings start tomorrow (23rd March) in Bolton

Don’t forget that the NABMA regional meetings start tomorrow (Thursday 23rd March) in Bolton. We recommend all members to attend these meetings if they can as we’ll not only be spending the morning learning about the latest markets news but also sharing best practice. There’ll also be a chance to network with markets colleagues. For information about the location & dates of all the regional meetings click here

Another Successful Bolton Teenage Market

Bolton held another successful Teenage Market on Saturday 4th March. The market was a great success and around 20 independent entrepreneurs sold items ranging from cakes, chocolates to jewellery and crafts.

Bolton Lads and Girls Club, YMCA Bolton, Bolton Youth Council and Castle Hill Youth Centre were all trading at the event.
Plus there was a stage for showcasing live music from young bands and singers, with Bolton FM compering. Visitors also got the chance to have a go at a range of sports including football, boxing, martial arts and basketball.

Leader of Bolton Council, Cllr Cliff Morris, said: ” We had a great turnout for the market, a good mix of stalls, fantastic live music and many of the traders sold out early. I am delighted that we are giving young people a free platform to showcase their business talents and creative skills.”

The next market is on May 13 and young people can register now for it.

Pitch Up for Retail

Following a meeting with the Peter Jones Foundation, NABMA and NMTF will be seeking to identify around ten markets in 2017 who are willing to work with Colleges with a view to getting markets as part of the curriculum in 2018. The Peter Jones Foundation believes that our proposals give students, business and entrepreneurial experience and they are willing to support our project. Get in touch if you are interested.