Celebrating the Grand Opening of Lincoln’s Historic Cornhill Market

Celebrating the Grand Opening of Lincoln’s Historic Cornhill Market

The NABMA President Councillor Chris Poulter recently attended the official opening of the newly refurbished City of Lincoln Cornhill Market on Friday, 17 May. Chris was also joined by Past President Mick Barker. This significant event marks a new chapter for the market, originally opened in 1938. The ceremony featured a ribbon-cutting by the Mayor of Lincoln and speeches celebrating the project’s success.

The £7 million refurbishment project, which began in May 2022, was funded by £5.9 million from the government’s Towns Fund programme through the ‘Be Lincoln Town Deal,’ £1.9 million from City of Lincoln Council, and additional support from Historic England. The City of Lincoln Council described the new market as a “perfect blend of a traditional city marketplace and a high-quality food hall.”

In anticipation of the official opening, stakeholders, partners, and funders were invited to tour the renovated market. Guests sampled food products, explored the new features such as the mezzanine level and two-storey extension, and enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere.

Naomi Tweddle, Leader of City of Lincoln Council, expressed her excitement: “Seeing the building with such an exciting atmosphere has been incredible. The funding has enhanced the building’s best features and given it a new lease of life. We’re excited for the people of Lincoln and beyond to visit Cornhill Market and enjoy this new addition to the city centre’s atmosphere.”

David Walsh, Principal Advisor at Historic England, added: “We are proud to have played a part in this marvellous project to restore the Cornhill Market. The renovation has revitalized Lincoln’s city centre.”

Mick Lazarus from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities praised the transformation: “The funding has opened up blind arches, added natural light, and created a mezzanine level providing more space for visitors.”

Edward Chambers of Lindum Group highlighted the team effort: “The new market is a vibrant location for shoppers, with new retail, food, and drink traders.”

The Cornhill Market now stands as a testament to Lincoln’s commitment to preserving its heritage while embracing modernity, ensuring it remains a vibrant hub for commerce and community for generations to come.

For more information and to plan your visit, check out the Lincoln City Council’s website. Join the celebration and be a part of Lincoln’s thriving market community!

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