Conference Survey September 2024Did you attend the September 2024 AGM & Conference in Harrogate? Yes NoPreviousNextHave you attended a NABMA Conference in the past? Yes NoPreviousNextWhich Conference/s have you attended? (Tick all that apply) Annual Conference January 2024 - Birmingham Annual Conference October 2023 - Harrogate One Day Conference January 2023 - Birmingham Earlier Conference/sWhat is the main reason that you did not attend the September 2024 Conference? (Choose One) Cost (Own Decision) Cost (Local Authority Decision) Distance / Travel Time Do not like the Conference Venue The Conference Content did not appeal to me I was on Holiday OtherPlease add your reasonPreviousNextPlease rate the following in terms of QualityExcellentGoodCould be betterPre-Conference CommunicationYour Welcome & RegistrationConference Timings & BreaksNetworking OpportunitiesPreviousNextPlease rate the following in terms of UsefulnessExcellentGoodCould be betterConference SpeakersPanel DiscussionsNetworking OpportunitiesConference Pack including ProgrammePreviousNextThe Length of the Conference Just Right Too Long Too ShortHow long would you prefer the Conference was?PreviousNextPlease rate the venue as a Conference LocationExcellentGoodCould be betterN/ALocation in Terms of Travel Distance / ConvenienceOverall AccessibilityRefreshments (Arrival & Coffee Breaks)LunchPreviousNextHow did you travel to / from the Conference? (Tick all that apply) Car - Single Passenger Car - 2+ passengers Train Bus OtherPreviousNextWere you able to attend all the sessions? Yes NoWhy could you not attend all the sessions? Delayed in arriving at the venue Restrictions of Public Transport Left early due to Length of Return Journey OtherPlease let us know whyPreviousNextThe Conference ContentRate the balance of the Conference in terms of ContentWould Like MoreAbout the Right AmountWould Like LessNot Important for MeSpeakers from NABMASpeakers from MarketsIndustry Experts / InsightsNetworking OpportunitiesWorkshops / Learning SessionsQ & A SessionsMeeting our SponsorsOne to One Advice / InformationPreviousNextOverall - What do you think are the best aspects of the Conference?Overall - What do you think could be improved at future Conferences?PreviousNextThinking about Conferences you have attended in the past and the content of those Conferences, please rate the following:Would Like MoreAbout the Right AmountWould Like LessNot Important for MeSpeakers from NABMASpeakers from MarketsIndustry Experts / InsightsNetworking OpportunitiesWorkshops / Learning SessionsQ & A SessionsMeeting our SponsorsOne to One Advice / InformationThinking about our Conferences, what would encourage you to come to a future Conference?Would Like MoreAbout the Right AmountWould Like LessNot Important for MeSpeakers from NABMASpeakers from MarketsIndustry Experts / InsightsNetworking OpportunitiesWorkshops / Learning SessionsQ & A SessionsMeeting our SponsorsOne to One Advice / InformationOverall, what would make you more likely to come to a NABMA Conference in the future? (Tick all that apply) A lower cost Content that is more relevant The option to attend virtually The option to receive a recording of the event A more convenient location OtherPlease explainPreviousNextI am happy to leave my contact details Yes NoFirst NameLast NameContact Email Previous Send my Feedback