The government announcements this evening fundamentally change the leisure and hospitality position regarding continuation of trade.
The NABMA viewpoint, unless more detailed guidance is produced, is that markets however can stay OPEN.
Clearly we would suggest that all guidance from government and NABMA this week is fully implemented, however it is even more clear that markets are still very important, particularly for certain sections of local communities.
It is a directive that cafes close, but many markets food traders are successfully providing take away facilities, those can continue to offer that service.
There will be a piecemeal approach to markets continuing from operator to operator as unlike the supermarkets a blanket policy cannot be made. Please keep NABMA informed through Basecamp. You can register here
This is a very brief update, but NABMA will maintain a watching brief on all further announcements and try and issue advice and guidance as appropriate.
You can read the latest government update here