Many of our members will have licensing arrangements in respect of car boot sales and other market events. Some have licensing arrangements in respect of their own Markets with private operators and other types of operators.
Where a licensing arrangement exists it will be the responsibility of the licensing authority to make sure that the licensee has in place the appropriate policies and procedures to deal with the requirements of COVID-19. This means working in partnership with the licensee.
We are all aware that, at this time of the year particularly, many car boot sales are held throughout the country. You need to review the grant of your licence and if you feel that the licensee is unable to satisfactorily meet the requirements of COVID-19 then you have no choice but to suspend or cancel the licence and require the event to close.
Where you have licensed a private or other operator to run your Market it is assumed you will have in place a detailed management agreement to cover how the Market will operate. This licence will need to be reviewed and you will need to be satisfied that the operator has the capability and resources to operate your Market under the COVID-19 requirements. Many private operators are very experienced and skilled in markets management and will be equipped to deal with all relevant matters but as the licensor you must actively address the issues and be satisfied that your licence is being delivered in a safe and secure way.