We launched NABMA’s Love Your Local Market campaign on Wednesday 14th February. This year’s campaign takes place on 17 – 31 May. The Love Your Local Market website has been updated with a new organiser form and details of how to order merchandise by 27 April from our sponsors, Gala Tent. We loved Bury Market’s selfie frame, so Glen and the team at Gala Graphics are making Love Your Local Market frames available as a new product line for this year.
Stuck for ideas of what to do? Why not come along to one of our regional meetings to take part in an ideas and communications session. (Read on for more information).
Graham Wilson (NABMA legal and policy officer) attended the first meeting of the London Markets Board on 8th January at City Hall, chaired by Jules Pipe, the London Deputy Mayor for Regeneration, Planning and Skills. All members of the Board were present and the focus of the meeting was about discussing future priorities for the Board over the next 26 months (as the Board will conclude at the next London Mayoral election in 2020 unless the next Mayor wants to continue it).
The Terms of Reference were discussed, and we understand that this will be made available on the GLA website shortly, along with other Board papers. The “Understanding London’s Markets” report, published in December, made a number of Recommendations to the Board, (set out in the GLA press notice linked below), and these include “identifying how local authority market operators can maximise social value and work positively within existing legislation” and undertake “a full review of the current markets legislation” and it was proposed to set up a working group to oversee this work.
The Board also had an update on the early plans for the 10th International Markets Conference that will take place in June 2019, co-hosted by the “Project for Public Spaces”. The GLA is already committed to this, and was keen that the programme for the event would be shaped by the Board, and that a working group should be set up to work with the GLA and London & Partners. The GLA hope that it will be possible to agree an outline programme for announcement in June this year.
The Board will agree an action plan to deliver the markets strategy for London that will be published by September, and a communications strategy to inform people about the work of the Board, and, we hope, will give others an opportunity to feed into it and be part of an ongoing 2-way dialogue. There will be further discussion of both these issues at the next meeting of the Board in May.
May I also bring to your attention the interactive on-line map of London Markets the GLA launched in December ( The map allows people to search for local markets and filter by functions such as market type and opening times. The map also includes a feature to allow users to submit information on markets to keep it updated over time. I understand that there might be a few errors in the map, so if you are aware of any problems please email Maria Diaz-Palomares, at the GLA –”

A NABMA Health Check is one of our most valued services. It provides an opportunity for an experienced markets officer to visit your market and look at a particular issue or the market in general.
Prior to the Health Check you will be contacted and advised which officer has been designated to undertake the work. There will also be an opportunity to chat about the issue(s) you want to raise. Each Health Check is followed up by a written report. This is a free service for members and we are now taking requests for inclusion in the programme for the next six months. If you are interested please contact NABMA’s Health Check Manager, Rob Nixon.
Congratulations to Daryl Chambers of Bridport and District Tourism Association who has been honoured by the community for his services to tourism. ‘continuing hard work ensuring the Bridport Market and numerous events in and around the town continue to run smoothly’.
NABMA is delighted that Daryl’s work has been recognised in this way and are keen to add our congratulations to that of many others.
Salary: £21,962 – £24,964
Warrington’s Market Service are recruiting for an officer to provide communications and event support for the current temporary market and the eventual new market that will open in 2020. For further information call or email Andy Ward on 01925 443567 Paul Blaney on 01925 443568