A New Era in Market Performance Measurement
To register simply click the register button and you will be automatically granted access. Once registered, you can login with your email address and password using the login button.
For security reasons, the NABMA Performance Network has strong password strength rules in place. When you are registering, please keep the following password rules in mind:
- At least one lower case letter
- At least one upper case letter
- At least one numeric character
- Not be less than 8 characters or greater than 25 characters
- At least one special case character e.g. #&!
If you have any problems with registering or logging on, please email support@edgeITsystems.com
Please note: The login to the NABMA Performance Network is not connected to any other NABMA accounts, and if you haven’t registered, you will need to create a new account.
Join the NABMA Performance Network, a FREE and easy-to-use tool for markets to measure success and contribute to our industry.
In this document we will give you the key points to the importance of the NABMA Performance Network and how it can help us help you.

Measuring performance is an important requirement for any organisation whether at national or local level. NABMA has been measuring performance of the markets industry for almost twenty years through a series of national surveys and this has helped us argue the case for markets with government and other national bodies.
At the same time NABMA has encouraged members to take part in benchmarking to view the performance of local Markets against what is happening in other Markets across the country. We are fortunate in partnering APSE in this work and in recent years we were delighted that APSE included Markets in the portfolio of local authority services that they officially recognised for benchmarking purposes.
Sadly benchmarking, using APSE, has not been the success we envisaged and therefore we have decided to pursue an alternative model which we hope will inspire more enthusiasm and support from our members.
This launch of the NABMA Performance Network in 2024 follows consultation with a group of senior market officers and listening to some of the comments of members who felt unable to engage with APSE benchmarking.
NABMA is very grateful to EDGE IT Systems Ltd, a NABMA sponsor, who have been of enormous help in developing the software of the NABMA Performance Network. We are also indebted to APSE who are willing to support the new arrangements and help with analysis of the data produced.
Hopefully the revised framework will encourage members to take part. We are hoping for a minimum of 100 participants in the first year.