NABMA was instrumental in reforming the APPMG (The All-Party Parliamentary Markets Group) in 2021 .
The APPMG is a cross party group within Westminster working with the national organisations supporting, promoting and delivering markets and market trading in the UK.
The lead organisations are NABMA (the National Association of British Market Authorities) and NMTF (the National Market Traders Federation). Its aims are the promotion and support for markets and market trading in the UK with connectivity to government in terms of the role and influence of markets in retail, tourism, employment, hospitality and leisure sectors. Also providing a conduit for discussions about market strategy and operational issues between the market industry and government.
All Party Parliamentary Markets Group – Notice of Meeting
The next meeting of the APPMG is scheduled for Wednesday 25 October 2023 at 15.00 in Room O at Portcullis House, Westminster. AGENDA
All Party Parliamentary Markets Group Relaunched
The All Party Parliamentary Markets Group (APPMG) has been relaunched with new officers and Simon Baynes MP as its chairman. NABMA now provides the secretariat for the Group.
All Party Parliamentary Local Markets Group Minutes, 29th October 2024
All Party Parliamentary Local Markets Group As you will hopefully have picked up the APPMLG was formally reconstituted last week. We have an excellent new Chairman, Julia Buckley MP representing
All Party Parliamentary Markets Group – Minutes 25 October 2023
Minutes of a meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Markets Group held on Wednesday 25th October 2023 at 3pm in Room 0, Portcullis House Westminster.
All Party Parliamentary Markets Group – Minutes 18 July 2023
The AGM of the Group was held on 18 July 2023 and officers were formally appointed. The below are the minutes of the meeting.