The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy is now available online.
Latest Government Update Advice
Following the Prime Minister’s broadcast NABMA’s view is that nothing has changed regarding the operation of Markets.
Work moves ahead on Derby’s Market Hall
Following an intensive period of survey and design work, restoration of Derby’s historic Market Hall is underway.
NABMA Guide to Market Halls and Social Distancing
As many markets are considering how they will recommence trading at the appropriate time, then to assist that discussion NABMA has produced an initial set of guidelines.
Review of Business Rates for Markets
Within the NABMA Support Plan for Market we are again reiterating that help is urgently required on the issue of business rates.
Top-up to Local Business Grant Funds Scheme
NABMA is delighted that a priority set within its five point Support Plan for Markets, as communicated to government, has been recognised with the announcement that a discretionary fund has been set up to accommodate certain small businesses previously outside the scope of the business grant funds scheme.
Government Responds Positively to NABMA Support Plan
This afternoon NABMA has received an email from government sources describing its recent updates on its work programme and press release on the fragility of markets as “incredibly helpful.”
NABMA Welcomes Marketti
NABMA is delighted to announce, and welcomes, the return of Marketti as one of the key NABMA sponsors for 2020/2021.
The Future of UK Traditional Markets is at Risk warns National Association
A new national survey of market operators by the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) has resulted in over a third of traditional indoor and street markets across the UK sending back a very clear message to government – “the future of our markets is at risk”.
The Message from Markets – “We Support our Traders”
As the NABMA “Support for Markets” Survey heads towards its closing date, feedback already received from some 200 markets across the UK, shows the headline message is clear – “Market operators are fully supporting their local traders”.