We have had a stunning first week of #LYLM2023 blessed with good weather and so many excellent events.
Love Your Local Market 2023 – Do You Have a Story to Tell?
With over 450 registrations now for Love Your Local Market it is wonderful to see all the social media and images in this first week of events, celebrations and promotions taking place at markets across the UK.
Love Your Local Market – Have You Signed Up?
Love Your Local Market runs from Friday 12 May until Saturday 27 May.
Zapp add extra “Zip” to Love Your Local Market in 2023!
NABMA, the organisers of the UK’s Love Your Local Market Campaign, are thrilled to announce that Zapp will be the major sponsors of the event for the third year in succession.
Love Your Local Market – Parliamentary Question
As a follow up to Love Your Local Market, Simon raised a question in the House of Commons to Paul Scully MP, the Parliamentary Under – Secretary (BEIS) and Minister of State for London.
Love Your Local Market 2022 – Thank You
What a three weeks we have had as markets across the UK have supported Love Your Local Market and The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Love Your Local Market 2022 – Thank You For Your Support
What a fantastic two weeks we have enjoyed as Love Your Local Market has been celebrated across the UK.
Simon Baynes MP joins Wrexham Market Traders to Highlight ‘Love Your Local Market’ Campaign
Simon Baynes MP, joined the Chief Executive of NABMA (the National Association of British Market Authorities), David Preston, on a visit to the market at Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham to highlight their annual ‘Love Your Local Market’ campaign.
Love Your Local Market 2022– The Campaign So Far
What a fantastic first week we were experiencing for Love Your Local Market.
Love Your Local Market Campaign receives endorsement from the Prime Minister
Endorsement and recognition of the value of local markets from the heart of Westminster and the Prime Minister himself.