NABMA continues to work with the government appointed Task Force and has been an active voice within the High Street Sector Leaders Group both during and since the pandemic.
Single Use Plastics Ban – Are your traders ready?
As NABMA has previously advised from October 1st businesses can no longer supply, sell or offer certain single use plastic items in England.
NABMA 2023 Market Awards are Launched
NABMA is pleased to launch its industry awards for 2023.
Once again we thank Blachere Illumination for their support and generous sponsorship.
Introducing “ChooseDay” at Chester Market – Unmissable Offers Every Tuesday!
Traders in the new Chester Market have come together to offer customers a range of discounts to choose from every Tuesday starting from 1 August.
All Party Parliamentary Markets Group Relaunched
The All Party Parliamentary Markets Group (APPMG) has been relaunched with new officers and Simon Baynes MP as its chairman. NABMA now provides the secretariat for the Group.
NABMA Members Enjoy Behind-the-Scenes Look at New Chester Market
NABMA members were given a behind-the-scenes look at the new Chester Market on Thursday, 13 July.
Notice of All Party Parliamentary Group
NABMA is now the administrator of the All Party Parliamentary Markets Group.
The Late Matthew Steele
It is with great sadness that NABMA have to convey to members the passing of Matthew Steele, Markets & Street Trading Operations Manager at Hackney.
Love Your Local Market 2023 – What a scorcher of a campaign!
The wonderful weather during May appears to have added some extra heat to this year’s Love Your Local Market campaign, with another highly successful year.
Love Your Local Market – Celebration in the Sunshine
Once again a huge thanks from NABMA for all the fantastic events, pictures, stories and social media from the last few days demonstrating how markets are truly valued within local communities.